The following vignette contains code to accompany the paper “Markov unchained: a guided walk through the Metropolis algorithm.” The code walks the reader through
A case control study of leukemia (y=1) and residence around strong magnetic fields (x=1)
These functions will be used throughout
#helper functions
expit <- function(mu) 1/(1+exp(-mu))
loglik = function(y,x,beta){
# calculate the log likelihood
lli = dbinom(y, 1, expit(beta[1] + x*beta[2]), log=TRUE)
riskdifference = function(y,x,beta){
# baseline odds (offset)
# calculate a risk difference
poprisk = 4.8/100000
popodds = poprisk/(1-poprisk)
studyodds = mean(y)/(1-mean(y))
r1 = expit(log(popodds/studyodds) + beta[1] + beta[2])
r0 = expit(log(popodds/studyodds) + beta[1])
data = data.frame(leuk=y, magfield=x)
mod = glm(leuk ~ magfield, family=binomial(), data=data)
beta1 = summary(mod)$coefficients[2,1]
se1 = summary(mod)$coefficients[2,2]
cat("\n\nMaximum likelihood beta coefficient (95% CI)\n")
round(c(beta=beta1, ll=beta1+se1*qnorm(0.025), ul=beta1+se1*qnorm(0.975)), 2)
cat("\n\nMaximum likelihood odds ratio (95% CI)\n")
round(exp(c(beta=beta1, ll=beta1+se1*qnorm(0.025), ul=beta1+se1*qnorm(0.975))), 2)
cat("\n\nMaximum likelihood risk difference (multiplied by 1000) \n")
round(c(rd_1000=riskdifference(y,x,mod$coefficients)*1000), 2)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -1.766183 0.188373 -9.375988 6.853094e-21
## magfield 1.255357 0.754200 1.664488 9.601492e-02
## Maximum likelihood beta coefficient (95% CI)
## beta ll ul
## 1.26 -0.22 2.73
## Maximum likelihood odds ratio (95% CI)
## beta ll ul
## 3.51 0.80 15.39
## Maximum likelihood risk difference (multiplied by 1000)
## rd_1000
## 0.11
# initialize
beta_post = matrix(nrow=M, ncol=2)
colnames(beta_post) = c('beta0', 'beta1')
accept = numeric(M)
rd = numeric(M)
beta_post[1,] = c(2,-3)
rd[1] = riskdifference(y,x,beta_post[1,])
accept[1] = 1
for(i in 2:M){
oldb = beta_post[i-1,]
prop = rnorm(2, sd=0.2)
newb = oldb+prop
num = loglik(y,x,newb)
den = loglik(y,x,oldb)
acceptprob = exp(num-den)
acc = (acceptprob > runif(1))
beta_post[i,] = newb
accept[i] = 1
beta_post[i,] = oldb
accept[i] = 0
rd[i] = 1000*riskdifference(y,x,beta_post[i,])
## [1] 0.6551
## beta0 beta1
## Min. :-2.518 Min. :-3.9483
## 1st Qu.:-1.902 1st Qu.: 0.7389
## Median :-1.776 Median : 1.2292
## Mean :-1.770 Mean : 1.1714
## 3rd Qu.:-1.651 3rd Qu.: 1.7004
## Max. : 2.000 Max. : 3.9189
## Posterior mean
## beta0 beta1
## -1.78 1.22
plot(beta_post, pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.05), xlab=expression(beta[0]), ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlim=c(-2.5,2.5), ylim=c(-4.5,4.5))
points(init[1], init[2], col="red", pch=19)
points(postmean[1], postmean[2], col="orange", pch=19)
legend("topright", col=c("red", "orange"), legend=c("Initial value", "Post. mean"), pch=19)
# initialize
beta_post_guide = matrix(nrow=M, ncol=2)
colnames(beta_post_guide) = c('beta0', 'beta1')
accept = numeric(M)
rd_guide = numeric(M)
beta_post_guide[1,] = c(2,-3)
rd_guide[1] = riskdifference(y,x,beta_post_guide[1,])
accept[1] = 1
dir = 1
for(i in 2:M){
oldb = beta_post_guide[i-1,]
prop = dir*abs(rnorm(2, sd=0.2))
newb = oldb+prop
num = loglik(y,x,newb)
den = loglik(y,x,oldb)
acceptprob = exp(num-den)
acc = (acceptprob > runif(1))
beta_post_guide[i,] = newb
accept[i] = 1
beta_post_guide[i,] = oldb
accept[i] = 0
dir = dir*-1
rd_guide[i] = 1000*riskdifference(y,x,beta_post_guide[i,])
postmean = apply(beta_post_guide[-c(1:1000),], 2, mean)
cat("Posterior mean, guided\n")
## Posterior mean, guided
## beta0 beta1
## -1.80 1.41
col1 = rgb(0,0,0,.5)
col2 = rgb(1,0,0,.35)
#trace plots
plot(beta_post[1:200,2], type='l', ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-4, 4), col=col1)
lines(beta_post_guide[1:200,2], col=col2)
legend("topright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided"))
plot(9800:10000, beta_post[9800:10000,2], type='l', ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-4, 4), col=col1)
lines(9800:10000, beta_post_guide[9800:10000,2], col=col2)
legend("topright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided"))
# density plots
plot(density(beta_post_guide[-c(1:1000),2]), col=col2, xlab=expression(beta[1]), ylab="Density", main="")
lines(density(beta_post[-c(1:1000),2]), col=col1)
legend("bottomright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided"))
plot(density(rd_guide[-c(1:1000)]), xlab="RD*1000", ylab="Density", main="", col=col2)
lines(density(rd[-c(1:1000)]), col=col1)
legend("topright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided"))
# initialize
beta_post_adaptguide = matrix(nrow=M+burnin, ncol=2)
colnames(beta_post_adaptguide) = c('beta0', 'beta1')
accept = numeric(M+burnin)
rd_adaptguide = numeric(M+burnin)
beta_post_adaptguide[1,] = c(2,-3)
rd_adaptguide[1] = riskdifference(y,x,beta_post[1,])
accept[1] = 1
prop.sigma = c(0.2, 0.2)
dir = 1
for(i in 2:(M+burnin)){
if((i < burnin) & (i > 25)){
prop.sigma = apply(beta_post_adaptguide[max(1, i-100):(i-1),], 2, sd)
oldb = beta_post_adaptguide[i-1,]
prop = dir*abs(rnorm(2, sd=prop.sigma))
newb = oldb+prop
num = loglik(y,x,newb)
den = loglik(y,x,oldb)
acceptprob = exp(num-den)
acc = (acceptprob > runif(1))
beta_post_adaptguide[i,] = newb
accept[i] = 1
beta_post_adaptguide[i,] = oldb
accept[i] = 0
dir = dir*-1
rd_adaptguide[i] = 1000*riskdifference(y,x,beta_post_adaptguide[i,])
postmean = apply(beta_post_adaptguide[-c(1:1000),], 2, mean)
cat("Posterior mean, guided and adaptive\n")
## Posterior mean, guided and adaptive
## beta0 beta1
## -1.78 1.22
col1 = rgb(0,0,0,.5)
col2 = rgb(1,0,0,.35)
#trace plots
plot(beta_post[1:200,2], type='l', ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-4, 4), col=col1)
lines(beta_post_adaptguide[1:200,2], col=col2)
legend("topright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided, adaptive"))
plot(9800:10000, beta_post[9800:10000,2], type='l', ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-4, 4), col=col1)
lines(9800:10000, beta_post_adaptguide[9800:10000,2], col=col2)
legend("topright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided, adaptive"))
# density plots
plot(density(beta_post_adaptguide[-c(1:1000),2]), col=col2, xlab=expression(beta[1]), ylab="Density", main="")
lines(density(beta_post[-c(1:1000),2]), col=col1)
legend("bottomright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided, adaptive"))
plot(density(rd_adaptguide[-c(1:1000)]), xlab="RD*1000", ylab="Density", main="", col=col2)
lines(density(rd[-c(1:1000)]), col=col1)
legend("topright", lty=1, col=c(col1, col2), legend=c("Rand. walk", "Guided, adaptive"))
# initialize
beta_post_adaptguide2 = matrix(nrow=M+burnin, ncol=2)
colnames(beta_post_adaptguide2) = c('beta0', 'beta1')
accept = numeric(M+burnin)
rd_adaptguide2 = numeric(M+burnin)
beta_post_adaptguide2[1,] = c(2,-3)
rd_adaptguide2[1] = riskdifference(y,x,beta_post[1,])
accept[1] = 1
prop.sigma = c(0.2, 0.2)
dir = 1
for(i in 2:(M+burnin)){
if((i < burnin) & (i > 25)){
prop.sigma = apply(beta_post_adaptguide2[max(1, i-100):(i-1),], 2, sd)
oldb = beta_post_adaptguide2[i-1,]
prop = dir*abs(rnorm(2, sd=prop.sigma))
newb = oldb+prop
num = loglik(y,x,newb) + dnorm(newb[1], mean=0, sd=sqrt(100), log=TRUE) + dnorm(newb[2], mean=0, sd=sqrt(0.5), log=TRUE)
den = loglik(y,x,oldb) + dnorm(oldb[1], mean=0, sd=sqrt(100), log=TRUE) + dnorm(oldb[2], mean=0, sd=sqrt(0.5), log=TRUE)
acceptprob = exp(num-den)
acc = (acceptprob > runif(1))
beta_post_adaptguide2[i,] = newb
accept[i] = 1
beta_post_adaptguide2[i,] = oldb
accept[i] = 0
dir = dir*-1
rd_adaptguide2[i] = 1000*riskdifference(y,x,beta_post_adaptguide2[i,])
postmean = apply(beta_post_adaptguide2[-c(1:1000),], 2, mean)
cat("Posterior mean, guided and adaptive\n")
## Posterior mean, guided and adaptive
## beta0 beta1
## -1.75 0.54
## [1] 0.5552727
init = beta_post_adaptguide[1,]
postmean = apply(beta_post_adaptguide[-c(1:1000),], 2, mean)
cat("Posterior mean, uniform priors\n")
## Posterior mean, uniform priors
## beta0 beta1
## -1.78 1.22
init2 = beta_post_adaptguide2[1,]
postmean2 = apply(beta_post_adaptguide2[-c(1:1000),], 2, mean)
cat("Posterior mean, informative normal priors\n")
## Posterior mean, informative normal priors
## beta0 beta1
## -1.75 0.54
plot(beta_post_adaptguide, pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.05), xlab=expression(beta[0]), ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlim=c(-2.5,2.5), ylim=c(-4.5,4.5), main="Uniform priors")
points(init[1], init[2], col="red", pch=19)
points(postmean[1], postmean[2], col="orange", pch=19)
legend("topright", col=c("red", "orange"), legend=c("Initial value", "Post. mean"), pch=19)
plot(beta_post_adaptguide2, pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.05), xlab=expression(beta[0]), ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlim=c(-2.5,2.5), ylim=c(-4.5,4.5), main="Informative priors")
points(init2[1], init2[2], col="red", pch=19)
points(postmean2[1], postmean2[2], col="orange", pch=19)
legend("topright", col=c("red", "orange"), legend=c("Initial value", "Post. mean"), pch=19)
plot(beta_post_adaptguide[,2], type='l', ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-4, 4))
plot(beta_post_adaptguide2[,2], type='l', ylab=expression(beta[1]), xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-4, 4))
plot(density(beta_post_adaptguide[-c(1:1000),2]), xlab=expression(beta[1]), ylab="Density", main="", xlim=c(-4, 4))
plot(density(beta_post_adaptguide2[-c(1:1000), 2]), xlab=expression(beta[1]), ylab="Density", main="", xlim=c(-4, 4))
plot(rd_adaptguide, type='l', ylab="RD*1000", xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-.2, .5))
plot(rd_adaptguide2, type='l', ylab="RD*1000", xlab="Iteration", ylim=c(-.2, .5))
Given what you know, running the R package function
should be fairly straightforward. The
following example calls in the case-control data used above and compares
a randome Walk metropolis algorithmn (with N(0, 0.05), N(0, 0.1)
proposal distribution) with a guided, adaptive algorithm.
## Loading required package: coda
## Attaching package: 'metropolis'
## The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
## expit
data("magfields", package="metropolis")
# random walk = metropolis_glm(y ~ x, data=magfields, family=binomial(), iter=20000, burnin=3000, adapt=FALSE, guided=FALSE, block=TRUE, inits=c(2,-3), control = metropolis.control(prop.sigma.start = c(0.05, .1)))
summary(, keepburn = FALSE)
## $nsamples
## [1] 20000
## $sd
## (Intercept) x
## 0.1870940 0.8565178
## $se
## (Intercept) x
## 0.0109079 0.1120727
## $ESS_parms
## [1] 294.19637 58.40808
## $postmean
## mean normal_lci normal_uci
## (Intercept) -1.778688 -2.1453924 -1.411984
## x 1.240300 -0.4384751 2.919075
## $postmedian
## median pctl_lci pctl_uci
## (Intercept) -1.774736 -2.1594707 -1.413966
## x 1.260167 -0.5570205 2.934671
## $postmode
## mode hpd_lci hpd_uci
## (Intercept) -1.766332 -2.1746278 -1.431942
## x 1.257571 -0.5541435 2.938285
# guided, adaptive = metropolis_glm(y ~ x, data=magfields, family=binomial(), iter=20000, burnin=3000, adapt=TRUE, guided=TRUE, block=FALSE, inits=c(2,-3))
summary(, keepburn = FALSE)
## $nsamples
## [1] 20000
## $sd
## (Intercept) x
## 0.1887433 0.8039617
## $se
## (Intercept) x
## 0.002139775 0.009397736
## $ESS_parms
## [1] 7780.489 7318.537
## $postmean
## mean normal_lci normal_uci
## (Intercept) -1.783400 -2.1533369 -1.413463
## x 1.195689 -0.3800755 2.771454
## $postmedian
## median pctl_lci pctl_uci
## (Intercept) -1.779390 -2.1692698 -1.429546
## x 1.204767 -0.4308701 2.719736
## $postmode
## mode hpd_lci hpd_uci
## (Intercept) -1.764664 -2.1311923 -1.396892
## x 1.246514 -0.4152461 2.725762
Finally, we can use the “glm” option in initial values to initialize the chain with the MLE estimates. This can eke out slightly more efficiency and allow reduced burnin.
# guided, adaptive = metropolis_glm(y ~ x, data=magfields, family=binomial(), iter=20000, burnin=1000, adapt=TRUE, guided=TRUE, block=FALSE, inits="glm")
summary(, keepburn = FALSE)
## $nsamples
## [1] 20000
## $sd
## (Intercept) x
## 0.1910264 0.8117856
## $se
## (Intercept) x
## 0.002187349 0.009279116
## $ESS_parms
## [1] 7626.942 7653.666
## $postmean
## mean normal_lci normal_uci
## (Intercept) -1.779687 -2.1540987 -1.405275
## x 1.190642 -0.4004577 2.781742
## $postmedian
## median pctl_lci pctl_uci
## (Intercept) -1.774436 -2.1665633 -1.418378
## x 1.230554 -0.5138752 2.703918
## $postmode
## mode hpd_lci hpd_uci
## (Intercept) -1.766599 -2.1459323 -1.399196
## x 1.246608 -0.4553881 2.749118
Using the function, “risk difference” from above, we can use the output from our prior model to get Bayesian estimates of the risk diffence. In general, this is a useful way to extend MCMC simulations to new estimands that may not be directly parameterized in the model.
# guided, adaptive
beta = as.matrix($parms[, c("b_0", "b_1")])
y = magfields$y
X = cbind(rep(1, dim(magfields)[1]), magfields$x)
## [1] 0.1132425
# calculate risk difference for every value of model coefficients = apply(beta, 1, function(b) 1000*riskdifference(y,X,b))
plot(density(, xlab = "RD*1000", ylab="Kernel density", main="", xlim=c(-.2, 2.5))
plot(, type='l', xlab = "RD*1000", ylab="Iteration", ylim=c(-.2, 2.5))
## [1] 0.1517853
## 50% 2.5% 97.5%
## 0.10763217 -0.01949789 0.59457738